Sunday 28 December 2008

Wenger The Cock

Aston Villa 2 Arsenal 2

Arsene Wenger is a total cock.

His after match interview with Jeff Shreeves saw him answering like a spoilt child, to the point where you could hear Shreeves getting totally pissed off with the pathetic one-word answers.

No need to look at your tactics Arsene, the ones which leave less defenders than attackers in injury time of a game - no, just come out with some completely pathetic excuse that John Robertson influenced the referee at half time! The only person influencing penalites was William Gallas!

We absolutely battered them in the first half - three attempts against the woodwork, Luke Young and Steve Sidwell going close - something else Wenger incredibly failed to acknowledge. It was a joy to watch us putting them under so much pressure and I felt we were quite superb. Then they score - it couldn't have been any more against the run of play and it was their first attempt at goal.

Robin Hood clearly wore an Arsenal shirt.

When they got the second, and a really good goal too, I felt that might be it. Then we get the "oh so debatable" penalty, smashed in by GB, and it's game on! Fair play to Zat Knight for being in the right place and keeping his strike on target as well, especially being at the critical last stage of the match.

It would have been nothing short of a travesty if we'd lost that game.

Happy Christmas Mr Wenger - you really are a complete knob.

..and finally.

Phil Brown sees his team getting smashed 4-0 at half time and decides to conduct most of the team talk in front of the travelling Hull City supporters.

This seems to have got Brown alot of criticism. Why? Because the little overpaid prima-donnas had to sit in the cold for a while? Because they had to do it in front of fans who gave up their Boxing Day to see their team barely make the effort.

Fair play to Phil Brown - once in a while that's not a bad thing to try. Anyway, I like what Hull are doing - long may they continue to prosper at this level (apart from Tuesday night of course!)

Daniel Xmas Photo!

Barry Hayles Photo!


Thursday 18 December 2008

Texas Stadium

Final Game At Texas Stadium Against Ravens

Apart from some freakish possible scores involving other teams and play-off rankings, this is it. The last ever game for the Dallas Cowboys at Texas Stadium will be against the Baltimore Ravens and the way the season has progressed, it's turned into a must-win game as well. The Cowboys really need a victory to keep their chances of playing in the post-season alive.

I've been three times to the old place, the first time in 1997 for an amazing game against the Washington Redskins. Aikman, Smith and Irvin were all playing - but not playing well! With just minutes remaining the Cowboys has scored just 2 field goals and had to start a drive on their own 3 yard line.

People started to leave, fans gave up - knowing a team that had played so badly would never do it. We held on and stayed having travelled this far we wouldn't leave before the end - Troy Aikman then led the team the 97 yards before converting the 2 point conversion as well. 14-14 - the Cowboys stopped Washington instantly and got the ball back and with 4 seconds remaining Chris Boniol kicked the winning field goal!

Crowd erupts - those who left couldn't believe it!

The other two games were against the Reskins again, and the Buffalo Bills in 2003, both resulting in wins but a bit less exciting. 21-14 over the Skins and 10-6 over the Bills where Drew Bledsoe got pounded time and again by the Dallas defence!

The day after we went on the fantastic Stadium tour where my proud moment came when I kicked two field goals on the hallowed turf.

Time has caught up with the old place, even at only 37 years old. Even five years ago you knew it needed a facelift or replacing. The hole in the roof and probably the wealth of superstars that played there gave it an edge it otherwise wouldn't have had. Of course, it used to feature on the opening credits of the soap opera Dallas too!

I hope I see the new Stadium one day - it looks incredible (with incredible ticket prices no doubt too) - well, maybe one day.

There's plenty of nostalgia here too at the Farewell To Texas Stadium website.

As for the amazing new Stadium - Check this out! Wow! Ready for the start of next season, where has the time gone?!

Aston Villa v CSKA Moscow

What a tough draw.

I still feel it was a huge mistake for M.O.N to play such a weak team against Zilina at Villa Park in the third game. With 3 or 4 more experienced players we could have got into a winning position and started taking them off but ended up chasing the game and obviously losing.

That's what cost us this ultra-hard draw - not fielding the even weaker side against Hamburg which I could understand.

Anyway, I have bad memories when I was a kid of seeing the other side from Moscow (Spartak) getting a last minute winner at Villa Park and knocking us out after we'd drawn 2-2 over there. Anyone remember Mark Walters fantastic strike in the away leg?

Oh well, we'll worry about it more in February!

Monday 8 December 2008

K/Boxing Grading

How Long Is A Black Belt Kickboxing Grading?

Just a shade over three hours in this case.

I was expecting hell so anything less than that would be a bonus. It was good to be grading with people we knew and had trained with for ages - plus the examiners - though fearsome in their suits - were all familiar to us all too.

Everything was there and it was so tough physically. We all had moments where we were either sick or totally gasping for breath but everyone battled away and did what they had to do.

So much of the grading is mentally based - about 90 mins or so in we were sparring and maybe knew the "2 onto 1" section was coming up where we expected to spar everyone else in survival mode. No! In walk 3 fresh full-contact fighters ready to whip our knackered sorry butts!! That was harsh!

It's easy to forget things you've been taught when you're cornered and taking shots from two angles. I ended up covering up too much but moved about reasonably well apart from that. I was happy with the wood-breaking at the end and fortunately broke first time with an elbow strike and a spinning back kick.

As I sit here now I'm in much-expected pain all over. My knee was worrying me but it ended up being a hip bone which gave me the most problems - it started getting really painful just 2 hours before the grading when shopping in Tesco - Oh great, thanks alot body!

Anyway, everyone did so well and it was a real good team effort with everyone encouraging and helping when others needed it. Well done to all concerned! Mr Champion said at the end that we'd all worked very hard and it had been a pleasure to grade us - great words for us from someone such as himself!

My main goal was not to let myself down and more importantly Mr Paradine and Mr Carter. I've trained hard all year but in the last six weeks I've been down the GMAX gym every Wednesday night for extra work which I know helped me during the grading. I'm going to relax now for a few days and get back into it next Saturday.

Now, much like the Taekwondo black belt grading, we sit and await our news - it could be a long wait.....

Daniel's Rapid Progress

At 3 years and 7 months, his progress is pretty amazing.

His level of speech is unbelievable at times - whilst eating tea the other night he was after some of my food and had forgotten to say please. I said "what's the magic word?" to which he replied - "Abracadabra". Couldn't really refuse could I?!

Daniel is still enjoying training on a Saturday at the club and continues to do well under Kate's watchful eye! He doesn't realise that it's an English champion training him (after Kate beat Louise Tanner in their re-match last weekend). Anyway, he got his first first official GMA t-shirt the other week which he doesn't like taking off!

We got his school application form this week (how's that for making you feel old?) - another reminder of his progress. Now Christmas is approaching and he's aware of Santa, Advent calendars and all things festive!

Everton 2 Aston Villa 3

I walk in, I'm knackered after three hours of torture - but it's 1-1 and I've got the whole second half to watch.

Ashley capitalises on a defensive howler and we're looking good but for the last 15 minutes we're under the cosh and taking a battering. I still thought we'd hold out but with 40 seconds left Lescott bangs one in after Martin Laursen missed probably his only header of the game. I'm gutted, I just cast believe we've done this again!

Lescott feigns throwing his shirt towards the Villa fans and their players spend the next 45 seconds celebrating for which the referee rightly adds on time. Daniel asks me "whats wrong Daddy" as I'm holding head in hands!

Some seconds later were jumping around the room as Laursen wins another decisive header and Ashley beats a defender and whips in a winner. Mass celebration! Daniel shouts "It's a goal!!"

Lescott isn't offering his shirt to anyone anymore now and wonders off the pitch - such a shame. A fantastic ending and three points in a game where overall we've been under pressure - that's the way to do it!

Saturday 8 November 2008

Slavia Prague 0 Villa 1

All I Want For Xmas Is A Slavia Prague Away Kit

What a great few days we had in Prague.

Czech Airlines left on time, we had a half empty flight so plenty of room to stretch out and we arrived late afternoon. Thanks to Frank on the H&V discussion pages, we bought a 3 day transport pass and this served us well. We finally got dropped of at Lapansky but a bit tired we trudged around for ages getting directed everywhere towards our seemingly invisable Seifert hotel!

We found a local bar showing the football on Wednesday and then went for some food - it was very late and the fog had really set in so we called it a night.

Thursday was great. We saw the much more beautiful side of Prague as opposed to where we were staying - the buildings, the river - just a fantastic place and huge as well as we negotiated all the various metros and buses. We looked round quite a few shops and it was soon clear that Prague was maybe not the cheap place for shopping that it once was! We stopped at Rocky O'Reillys for a couple of hours but by 1.30ish everyone seemed to be moving on elsewhere.

We found places with cheap beer and obviously the more tacky English ones like the George & Dragon in the Old Town Square although it was worth it to see all the tourists lining up to take photo's and videos of Aston Villa fans singing. Amongst all these people's treasured memories will be the hour they watched foreign football fans singing away outside a bar. Strange.

It was all good natured and the police were in full force but kept a very low profile. There must have been about 9 or 10 vans full of them so everyone knew they were there - I have to say I was impressed with their handling of it all.

Clearly alot of our fans were unsure of how to get to the ground but we were primed in advance and got to the ground in time to have a couple more drinks in the hotel that was part of the stadium Eden. It was strange because to be honest it didn't really look like a football ground from the outside.

The atmosphere before kick off was fantastic as the Slavia Prague and Villa fans mixed easily with no problems at all. Even the hotel kept it's doors open when it would have been easy for them to close up - Everyone in Prague from beginning to end were extremely friendly (apart from one bus driver!!). We had a very quick look inside their shop and were a bit surprised at how pricey their scarves and shirts are! One shop in town earlier had a home Slavia shirt for £70!

As for the game itself, we feared the worst when we heard the team Martin O'Neill had picked but we shouldn't have worried. Salifou was probably Man Of The Match closely followed by Brad Guzan who made a fantastic first half save that I don't think Brad Friedel would have stopped. Their fans, as well as our own were really noisy and laid on some pre-arranged stuff to get behind their team.

We were excellent in that first half and had to sit tight during the second when the expected Slavia onslought arrived. They had plenty of opportunities but we were holding on as the fog began to come down around the ground, just as it had the night before.

We just held on for a great win - after the game the Slavia players sat down in front of their supporters while they chanted away and then walked around the ground to applaud the fans, something that I was amazed to see. The Villa fans generously applauded back which capped a good natured day. Apparantly this is something they do all the time so the fans can tell them they are behind them whatever the result!

The security and riot police had been very heavy-handed during the final few minutes of the game when they really didn't need to be but it certainly didn't spoil the time I had there. Not surprisingly we were kept inside for about 20 minutes after the game - I'm sure there was no need though. The atmosphere had been great all day and wasn't about to change.

The number 22 tram ride after the game was a right laugh. The Carlos Cuellar song must have been done about 30 times on the long ride back into town - sort of! Again we knew the Metro needed to get back into the Old Town square but everywhere was strangely quiet - we arrived just as the Midnight bells were ringing out which was a nice cultural moment and headed off for another drink - only to find we couldn't get in as they were shutting up. Still, it had been an excellent day.

We were flying fairly soon the next day so we were up early and on the 133 bus into Town. Quick stop to buy Daniel a souvenier t-shirt and then it was the Mustek metro to Dejvicka before getting the 119 bus back to Prague Airport. Again, Czech Airlines were all on time and another half full flight headed back to Heathrow.

All the thanks to my good buddy Hatemanu who went up in the early hours to get the tickets from Villa Park, booked all the flights & hotels and got his mate to drive us to Heathrow & back. Top stuff mate - I think I repaid him fully by buying him an extra large Twix at Prague Airport!!!!

An excellent trip, one of my favourites actually, and I think I'll adopt Slavia Prague as my favourite Czech team - even if their shirts are expensive!

The After Match Slavia Prague Ritual

This is what I was trying to explain earlier about the players going over to their fans after our game. There is even a translation on this explaining exactly what they're chanting at the players. Just after this film stops the players did a shortened version with the supporters on the side stand and then came round by us where they were probably surprised to be applauded by us too.

Fantastic support by Slavia fans. Over here if your team loses 1-0 they get booed off and dozens of "fans" ring up various radio phone-ins asking for managers to get sacked. Anyway, Czech this out...(sorry)

There is a YouTube one from their 4-1 derby win over Sparta which they seemed to enjoy!

Sunday 26 October 2008

Missing Ajax

Last Minute Substitution

You don't play Ajax at home very often.

I'd been looking forward to it for ages, seeing such a famous European name on a big floodlit night at Villa Park. It wasn't to be though.

On Wednesday night within an hour of being perfectly OK, I was struck by a virus and ended up being sick nearly twenty times during the night. With absolutely no sleep at all I attempted to go to work the next day, hoping it would be a better soloution to making the match later.

I knew by lunchtime it wouldn't happen and got sent home anyway early afternoon. Fortunately between them, my two top buddies, Hatemanu & Spanner managed to sell my ticket so at least avoiding paying £25 and not seeing the match.

I got home around 3 O'clock, slept for a bit and watched Spurs. The next thing I know it's 11.30pm and I've missed the lot. I actually saw the result on teletext - I knew we'd win. Luckily I'd Sky+d the game as I'd anticipated being there so I still got to see it the next day, but obviously it wasn't the same. I hope the lad who got my ticket appreciates how lucky he was.

A fantastic night and win for Aston Villa - just totally gutted I wasn't there.

Thursday 16 October 2008

First Training

Daniel's First Training Session!

Last week I noticed a few very young children with Kate (one of the GMA Kick-boxing black belts) being trained in a fun and very introductory way. Mr Carter also looked after them for a while too with a bit of "Mit work"!

I was really keen to give Daniel a go yesterday just to see how he reacted - although I was training myself at the time he looked like he was doing really well. He lasted the whole hour, doing all sorts of little exercises and was rewarded at the end with 2 stickers which said "Focus" and "Control".

He'd been excited about it all week since I mentioned the possibility of it and it went really well. He even ran over to me while I was supervising some of the youngsters sparring as he was so excited!

Now he wants to do it again which I'm really chuffed about!

Sunday 14 September 2008

Cowboys Beat Browns

Cowboys Watch:

Cleveland Browns 10 Dallas Cowboys 28

Randy Lerner has been a saviour for Aston Villa but there could be no favours on Sunday as his Browns were to be given a lesson by Tony Romo and the Boys!

Picking apart Cleveland's secondary with ease, Romo passed for 320 yards, Terrell Owens caught a 35-yard touchdown pass and Barber scored on a pair of 1-yard runs as the Cowboys opened a season they expect to end in the Super Bowl by overwhelming the out-of-sync Browns 28-10.

Coming off a 13-win season, which ended with a bitterly disappointing playoff loss at home to the New York Giants, the Cowboys lived up to all their preseason hype with a solid all-around performance. We are the team to beat in the NFC, and after one game, it's hard to argue there's any better.

With all day to throw, Romo completed 24 of 32 passes as Dallas' offense racked up nearly 500 yards, controlled the clock and strung together four long touchdown drives. The defense held one of the AFC's most potent offenses to 205 yards, and except for some silly penalties, the star-studded Cowboys, whose training camp was profiled on HBO's "Hard Knocks," had a knockout debut.

Jason Witten added six catches for 96 yards and Barber rushed for 80 on 16 carries before leaving in the third quarter holding his ribs. Coach Wade Phillips said he's a "little worried" about Barber's injury but wouldn't speculate on the severity or if the running back will be ready for Philadelphia next Monday.

On top of a strong performance on both sides of the ball, the Cowboys also got their first look at Adam Jones, the cornerback/punt returner/troublemaker, who was recently reinstated after serving a 17-month suspension and played his first game since 2006, for Tennessee.

Starting at corner for Terence Newman, Jones, who was arrested six times and involved in many more incidents involving police since joining the league, was called for interference in the end zone to set up Cleveland's only TD.

Surrounded by reporters afterward, Jones gushed about his new team.

They've got big-time fans, too. Before the game, LeBron James, Cleveland's NBA superstar and a longtime Dallas fan, hugged both Joneses and Owens. Saddled with enormous expectations, the Browns, who were winless during an injury-plagued preseason, dropped to 1-9 in openers since returning to the league in 1999.

The Browns began last season by being trounced 34-7 by the Pittsburgh Steelers, who will visit next Sunday night in a nationally televised game.

Cleveland's only touchdown came on Derek Anderson's 2-yard pass to Kellen Winslow in the second quarter. Anderson went 11-of-24 for 114 yards but never got into a rhythm with wide receiver Braylon Edwards, who had only two catches and dropped at least two, including one in the first quarter on what would have been a sure TD.

Edwards missed three exhibition games with a cut foot and said the time off hurt his timing. The Cowboys, who led 21-7 at halftime, had touchdown drives of 80, 69, 69 and 86 yards, the final one capped by an 11-yard TD run by rookie Felix Jones on his first regular-season carry. He finished with 62 yards.

In the second quarter, Owens blew past safety Brandon McDonald and hauled in his TD pass from Romo to give the Cowboys a 14-7 lead. One of the league's most celebrated end zone showmen, Owens placed the ball near the goal line and shook each leg as if he was getting ready to get into the starting blocks and take on Olympic blur Usain Bolt in the 100 meters. He was called for unsportsmanlike conduct.

It was his 130th career TD, tying him with Cris Carter for second on the career list behind Jerry Rice (197).

The Cowboys now face the Eagles on Monday night!

Setanta Can Go & Do One!

I used to be so patriotic about the England football team, but I realised how little I care now when I found out that Setanta were going to deny the majority of the country from watching them. I heard about 3 minutes of the 5-Live commentary and realised I just wasn't bothered and wasn't going to waste time listening to England make excuses for only scoring 2 goals against a part-time football team.

England may have won well in Croatia but for too long now they've been average at best with over-paid, lazy susperstar players wearing the three lions. Players who clearly are not bothered when they don't do well and churn out the standard boring interviews time and time again.

I can't get excited about a team with players in it who I despise and an FA who've ripped off supporters for far too long.

I watched the Croatia game at a mates house, and while we were obviously pleased England had won, we were all talking through the game and didn't always give it all of our attention.

Setanta can kiss my arse - there's more than enough football on Sky thanks.

Friday 29 August 2008

Marg Ginger - 17 Years

Mark Ginger - RIP

Mark Ginger died August 30, 1991 in a motorway accident.

He was Aston Villa through and through, travelled everywhere with our lot and was just one of the lads. The trip to Milan in 1990 had been a real highlight for all of us, we'd had such a great time there.

Mark was a Gloucester boy for which we naturally gave him stick, but he gave us plenty back and we loved him to bits. We were totally devastated when he died so young and I can't really believe it's 17 years as I write this now. Seventeen years, where has that time gone? I'll never forget finding out the next morning or having to break the news to some of the lads.

I remember arranging a supporters match in his memory a few days after the funeral - It was always a pain in the arse organising our lot for a game of football but this time everyone was available without hesitation and it showed the respect everyone had for Mark.

We used to create a little fanzine just for our lot who travelled on the coach everywhere and me, Mark and Aaron were the major contributors. I still have the fanzines in the garage and they hold great memories for me. It was called "Marchants Lions" in recognition of the bus company that used to look after us.

Thinking of you mate, if I don't make it down the Crem over the weekend I'm sorry. Miss you like mad sunshine.

Holte Enders in the Sky - RIP.

Sunday 24 August 2008

Stoke away

Gloucester Martial Arts New Gym

Alan Carter has opened up a new gym for the full-contact and MMA fighters at the top end of Barton Street in Gloucester.

I had the pleasure of an hours training today which was fantastic and which I really enjoyed - my hands are still shaking and without my wrist support I think my wrist would just fall off! I'm a million light years away from these talented guys and girls but I can still stick in 100% effort and give all I have - certainly did that today!

Gloucester Martial Arts Extreme (GMAX) will now have it's fighters based there and hopefully heady times are ahead.

Here are some pictures of the new place which is still taking place and will soon be getting a bit bigger. As soon as my main blog is back up (server has been down for ages) I'll pop this info on there.

Stoke City 3 Aston Villa 2

This was probably one of least enjoyable away days in quite some time.

We reached the centre of Stoke (or "the land that time forgot") fairly early and found a pub called The Famous Lion which was pretty good. We should have stayed there - all day.

After walking for ages to get to the ground we found The Harvester which is right opposite The Britannia Stadium. If you fancy waiting 25 minutes to get served and then be faced by the the most useless, gobby, jumped-up female bar-staff on the planet, this is the place for you. The place is a fucking shambles - they should pop over to see how the one near Pride Park run theirs.

Forgot to mention the YTS boy going around getting people to take their caps off. It wasn't to be the only Mickey Mouse performance of the afternoon.

In the first half Villa were pathetic. Not one shot on target, no midfield, no clue. Reo-Coker was lost out on the right and Gareth Barry was dreaming of red somewhere else. Stoke were doing their impression of Watford and just lumping the ball forward at every opportunity.

Mark Halsey does us every year and he started early this time with the ridiculous penalty decision. Fair play to Stoke though, they deserved a lead. John Carew took his goal very well but did precious little else but for me the turning point was their second goal.

Gareth Barry supplied a terrible pass and then stood admiring it while Stoke charged forward and scored a really well taken goal. Gareth can be as professional as he likes - his heart isn't there and yesterday it showed. The sooner we have 11 players on the pitch who actually want to be wear the fucking shirt the better.

Again we came back with an albeit scruffy free-kick only to concede from a fucking long throw in right at the end. We can change the players but our habit of conceding late goals just won't go away. Halsey let Stoke celebrate for a full minute before blowing straight from the kick off.

Whatever I may feel about Stoke's tactics, they deserved the win - they played with heart and passion. Something sadly lacking from the opposition who clearly thought by turning up they would win. The Stoke fans (most of them) deserved their moment - I hope they're as loud and passionate when they play the likes of Bolton and Middlesbrough in midweek games.

Our support was OK, nothing more. Singing "Have You Won The European Cup" to Stoke City fans is embarrassing quite frankly. If we had a MOTM it would probably have been Stan Petrov which is quite frightening.

The best part of the day was getting home earlier than expected, which pretty much sums it all up.

Saturday 16 August 2008

Levellers / The Fratellis

Levellers - Letters From The Underground Review

The lads have finally tried to duplicate the fantastic "Levelling The Land" album and have succeeded. The passion, speed, fiddles, everything is there - even down to "Behold The Pale Rider" replacing "Another Mans Cause". Plus the production is so much better on this record compared to the last one which had good tracks but sounded not so clever.

After the excellent "The Cholera Well" opening, I was struck dumb by the awful second track "Death Loves Youth" and feared the worst. Fortunately with maybe one exception the rest of the album gets stronger and stronger, keeping up a great pace. Simon is back doing main vocals on two tracks including the final one "Fight Or Flight" My faves at the moment would be "Accidental Anarchist", "Duty" and "Heart Of The Country"

In conclusion, it's the best offering for some time in my opinion and now feel it might be time for the Brighton boys to call it a day. It's obvious that Mark's voice is not as good as it once was and to finish with such a great, strong-sounding record would be a fitting studio end for them.

They've got enough live material now to go on forever!

The Fratellis - Here We Stand Review

Once in a while you buy an album and get very unexpectedly blown away.

This one has done just that for me.

I was never a fan of the band and thought "Chelsea Dagger" was crap to be honest. I bought this on the strength of hearing "A Heady Tale" and have to hold my hands up and say what a great record this is.

Tracks like "Acid Jazz Singer", "Mistress Mable" and "Look Out Sunshine" are favourites, but the whole album is very strong and there is only one track that I tend to skip - out of twelve that's pretty good!

The album is a rocky, foot-stomping good sound - fair play, I think it's great!

Cheltenham Town 2 Swindon Town 0

My first visit to Whaddon Road in absolutely ages and it was a really exciting game of football, almost spoiled by one of the most disgraceful refereeing performances I've seen for a while. Uriah Rennie eat yer heart out - you have a successor.

Step forward Mr Phil Crossley from Kent. What an incompetant twat!

Swindon looked a really decent footballing side in the first half, especially Anthony McNamee, and probably should have been ahead by half time. Their football was a very high quality with the added bonus of getting every decision from the ref! Cheltenham looked disjointed and a bit lacking in belief to be honest.

Barry Hayles was playing a sound game up front but when Paul Connor came on things really changed and they both played a part in Ben Gill's great goal. Gill celebrated his first league goal and was booked - a few minutes later after a challenge only barely worthy of stopping play, he was off. Mr Crossley only stopped short of having a shot for Swindon.

With 10 men though, Town actally got stronger and Jennison Myrie-Williams scored after a lovely cross by Alex Russell. Shane Higgs played his part too and made some fine stops including a stunner in the first half. It was a real end to end second half though and a really enjoyable freebie afternoon - almost 5000 were there to see our boys get a welcome 3 points!

With 10 minutes left the Swindon fans gave up on their team and left in droves, safe in the knowledge it wouldn't take long to get back to the five magic roundabouts.

Thursday 7 August 2008

Nicky Shorey

Nicky Shorey

Welcome to Villa Park to Nicky Shorey, a really decent left back and someone we badly needed after Freddie Bouma's awful injury. Reading's loss is our gain.

It looks as if Luke Young is also joining from Middlesbrough - I always felt we should have been in for him last year - £2million was nothing then. Both these guys hould help solidify things at the back with Brad Friedel in goal too now.

...and hours later Young was with us too!

Monday 14 July 2008

Thomas Land @ Drayton

A couple of Pics Of Danny Boy with his beloved trains!

Sunday 13 July 2008


Kate's Fight

Steve's Fight

Tuesday 8 July 2008

Black Belt Pics

Mr Robinson, Mr Paradine & Me

Taekwondo Black Belts

Friday 4 July 2008

Fat Barry & Liverpool

..And Now The End Is Near

Hopefully the Gareth Barry saga will soon be over.

I saw his debut and well remember John Gregory publicly stating that the Brighton Chairman wouldn't recognise him if "he stood of the beach with a seagull on his head" when we had to pay some compensation.

Gareth has been club captain for some time but his attitude over the summer has been a disgrace and to slag off Martin O'Neill, the man who turned him into an England regular, is unacceptable. His handling of the situation, especially through his agent has seen any chance of him leaving with good wishes disappear.

It's like Dwight Yorke all over again. Now Gareth can expect the same welcome that Judas himself got when he came back to VP with United.

This time though, the Fat Spanish Waiter at Anfield won't be buying from Doug Ellis. We won't cave in when the second bid comes in and now we don't need the money.

Gareth Barry can rot now - he's become irrelevant to us. He can pine all he wants for Stevie G and the Champions League - unless Liverpool stump up the cash, not including add-ons or bench-warmers, he won't be going anywhere. What makes me laugh is the actual price - I've seen him play hundreds of times and many, many dreadful and ordinary performances. £18 million - we're having a bit of a laugh there too, but fuck Liverpool. If they want our Captain and England regular then pay the fucking asking price.

He's a good player, a good team player but nothing more. He's not our best player and he'll end up a very small fish in the Anfield goldfish bowl. If they think he's better than Alonso then good luck to em!

Witcombe Away

I played my second Wednesday night match of the season for Down Hatherley CC the other night. In haven't played a proper game since Daniel was born and it was nice to be asked back by Down Hatherley, last Club I played for when he arrived!

My knee's been pretty shit since the first game but held up enough to bash 13 Not Out at the end of the innings including a huge four back over the quick bowlers head that bounced once just before the fence.

I knew I still had it in me!

We played Witcome, and what a lovely setting it was.

In the first game I only managed 9 and was bowled by a very useful quickie who got the next 4 wickets after mine! I still haven't even had time for a net session!

Monday 16 June 2008

Daniel Villa Goal

The Best Goal In A Villa Shirt This Season?

Daniel actually asked to wear his Villa shirt today!

Tuesday 10 June 2008

Lotus 7 Kit Car

Lotus 7 Kit Car (Tiger)

My soon-to-be-married Sister and other half turned up at the weekend in a very cool yellow kit car based on the Lotus 7 (named "Tiger").

Going for a spin in it was pretty much like going on a thrill ride at a theme park - it was FAST! We raced down the dual carriageway and back which was enough to blow the cobwebs away, not that there were very many as I'd not long been back from three hours training!

..and Don't ever forget who I support!!

Sunday 1 June 2008

Daniel's Day With Thomas

Daniel's Day With Thomas

Today Danny went to see Thomas and some of his friends at the Dean Forest Railway. Quite a few people had told me it was a nice day out and they were right - his face shone when he saw Thomas for the first time, and he met the Fat Controller as well as riding on Thomas, Oliver and Daisy.

The trains ran to Lydney and back while "Daisy" ran to Parkend. There wasn't a great deal to do in Lydney, the pub was shut, so we didn't stay that long. In between the main steam engines, Thomas went about on short trips and at lunchtime one of the naughty Diesels stole his carriages which he had to go and rescue.

The weather was reasonable and Daniel really enjoyed himself, especially when he had his face painted like a tiger at the end and when the engines went "toot toot". There was a bit of rain but to be fair it was very warm and nobody really noticed.

Daniel & Thomas

Daniel, Daddy & The Fat Controller

Daniel and his favourite "The Breakdown Train"

Daniel meets Oliver

Help - It's a scary TIGER!!!

I need a sleep - it's been a long day!

A nice set up and pretty well organised, obviously they're looking to hit you in the pocket once you get to the shop but Daniel only wanted a couple of books ("Cranky" & "Harry and Bert") for his collection and we got him a flag too which he hasn't let go of yet.

Daniel really enjoyed out - a well recommended day out.

Thursday 29 May 2008

Big Country - Ships

It's just how I feel at the moment....

Look at him now
Another used man
Wearing the passing of his dignity
With all the courage that he can

He stood in the storm
Carved out in stone
He said I’ve worn my honesty with pride
In everything I’ve done

So where were you when my ship went down
Where were you when I ran aground
Where were you when I turned it around
Where were you when they burned me down

You see her now, All tired and worn
She never thought her life
Would come to be so cold or so alone
She walked in the light, Fought bondage for love
She said I cast off the chains that I was born with
But it never was enough

So where were you when my ship went down
Where were you when I ran aground
Where were you when I turned it around
Where were you when they burned me down

Silent souls washed upon the shores
Left to walk the sands, Evermore, evermore

Look at you now just chasing your life
Make like the savior of the planet
You’re just trying to get by

Now you may walk the line
You may see it all through
But I know you cry yourself to sleep at night
Just wondering what to do

And where were you when my ship went down
Where were you when I ran aground
Where were you when I turned it around
Where were you when they burned me down

STAIND - Epiphany

Your words they make just a whisper
Your face is so unclear
I try to pay attention
Your words just disappear

Cuz it's always raining in my head
Forget all the things I should have said

So I speak to you in riddles
Cuz my words get in my way
I smoke the whole thing to my head
And feel it wash away
Cuz I can't take anymore of this
I wanna come apart

And dig myself a little hole
Inside your precious heart

Cuz it's always raining in my head
Forget all the things i should have said

I am nothing more than , A little boy inside
That cries out for intention
That I always try to hide
Cuz i talk to you like children
Though I don't know how I feel
But I know I'll do the right thing
If the right thing isn't fear

Cuz its always raining in my head
Forget all the things I should have said

Sunday 18 May 2008

The Property Centre Gloucester

The Property Centre Gloucester

You really should put your house on the market with these guys....

1) The honest salesman convinces you the agents you are currently using are not nearly as professional as them.

2) He agrees your selling price - "No problem getting interest with that figure"

3) He rings up a few weeks later after no visits and suggests dropping the price by £6000!

4) He continually phones the home address at lunchtime when there's nobody there.

5) He shows less than 10 people around in 6 months, some of whom actually stated they were not looking to buy a house in our area anyway.

6) Sends lists of supposedly hundreds upon hundreds of potential buyers asking for our property details as they're interested. We counted nearly 200 on one sheet of paper - yet THREE people came to view!

7) He sends a letter saying they're not going to market the property anymore and lists clients they've shown around the property - TWO OF WHICH DIDN'T EVEN EXIST AND WHICH WAS ADMITTED BY ANOTHER MEMBER OF STAFF.

Totally pathetic. If you want utter bullshit, lies and shite service then these are your guys. If you thought all estate agents were the same then give The Property Center a try - they'll change your mind.

Thursday 15 May 2008

End Of Season Review

So What Went On This Season?

I think the Villa have had a really fine season finishing sixth, and of course any other year would have seen us qualify automatically for the UEFA Cup. I still think two games in July is a small price to pay to get us to the qualifying rounds.

From what is a small squad anyway we obviously lose Olly Mellberg - I've done a blog update about him alone, but once again - he's been a start through many rough times and many average defensive partners. I wish him all the best and we will miss him.

Scott Carson - well, who knows. He's done OK but I won't cry if he leaves - The Croatia game knocked the stuffing out of him.

Gareth Barry. As mentioned elsewhere, he can leave for Liverpool and be in and out of their side. At Villa he can lead us onto much better things and be a major player. However, an instant doubling of the wages and Champions League football will be impossible to resist IMO.

Patrik Berger - Go and play for Leicester or some other place where has-beens go. Typical David O'Leary signing - absolute rubbish, complete waste of time.

So four out and Luke Moore as good as gone - we've got a lot of buying to do. In previous years we've always failed miserably so let's see what Randy and Martin have up their sleeve.

Unlike Small Heath, Cheltenham Town didn't get relegated. Keith Downing achieved a minor miracle in keeping the Robins up and I willingly eat alot of humble pie as I thought his appointment signalled certain relegation. Well done to everyone at Whaddon Road.

Bristol City are at Wembley after a great 2nd Leg at Ashton Gate - I hope they beat Hull as this will be a great trip for Villa and I have a few friends down in those parts!

I'll look forward to hearing Sepp Blatter and his UEFA buddies give Glasgow Rangers all sorts of threats after their fans disgraceful antics last night. Oh, of course he won't - they're not English are they?

UFC 83 Review - St Pierre V Serra II

Setting a new UFC record with over 21,000 in attendance, UFC 83 had a distinctly different feel. After being knocked out by Matt Serra the last time they met in a huge upset, St. Pierre would likely benefit from that different feel for sure in his attempt to take revenge on his New York based rival.

First up was a match between Mac Danzig and Mark Bocek. The fight started with Bocek taking Danzig down and controlling things for the majority of the initial stanza. That said, Danzig was never really in any danger and toward the end of the round turned Bocek over to deliver a nice flurry of ground and pound.

A huge right knee by Danzig floored Bocek early in the second round. From there, a rather furious ground and pound onslaught followed that even involved Danzig taking his Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt opponent’s back for a time. Still, with about 1:30 left in the round, Danzig stood up, letting his opponent to his feet. Even with this, Danzig shirked another takedown attempt by his adversary and ended up on top raining down punches before the bell.

The third started off with Bocek gaining a nice takedown. However, soon after Danzig kicked him off and got to his feet. From there, Danzig nailed his opponent with a hard right knee and later a terrific left jab, opening up a gash over the Canadian’s left eye. Later in the round, Danzig tripped Bockek to the canvas and then took his back. From there, he sunk in the rear naked choke.

A great showing for Mac Danzig. Still, Mark Bocek certainly showed some toughness.

Next up was a match between Charles McCarthy and Michael Bisping in the Brit’s first fight at 185 pounds. He looked good coming in. But would that mean anything?

Basically, this fight went like this. Michael Bisping threw punches early on and Charles McCarthy didn’t. Though McCarthy came up with a huge takedown and nearly pulled off the armbar on the ground in the initial stanza, the British fighter got out of trouble and to his feet. From there, he ended the first round with a flurry of punches and knees.

After the bell sounded, McCarthy continued to lay on the canvas, unable to continue. Not a great showing for Charles McCarthy at all.

Next up was a very interesting fight between Nate Quarry and Kalib Starnes. The first round was rather uneventful in that Starnes seem to be backpedaling for nearly the entire round. Quarry landed some good shots and clearly won the stanza, but it was all made hard by his opponent’s style.

The second round was more of the same in that Quarry landed several leg kicks to go along with some body and head punches. For a brief moment, Starnes caught his leg and took him down but Quarry was back to his feet before you could count to three. Thus, another clear round for The Rock. Starnes just wasn’t looking right.

In the third it was just more of the same. Not sure if Starnes was injured before this one or sick or something, but he just didn’t look right at all the whole fight.

Next up was one of the big ones. Rich Franklin vs. Travis Lutter. Franklin landed a hard right early on. However, Lutter grabbed a leg, eventually took him down, and immediately took his back. Franklin worked himself out to half guard before Lutter gained mount and lost the position to half guard again.

Lutter then gained mount again and went for a solid armbar that Franklin escaped from in astounding fashion before getting to his feet. Though Lutter grabbed his leg and looked for a takedown for the rest of the stanza, Franklin countered well and landed a knee before the bell sounded. Lutter won the first round, but Ace showed some prowess on the ground.

The second round was very different. Namely, Franklin connected with several hard knees inside and a big time left high kick. From there, the stand up pounding began, and it only ended when Franklin followed his opponent to the canvas and continually struck him until the referee pulled him off.

Finally, we came to the main event. The crowd boomed loud when Georges St. Pierre came into the Octagon to take on Matt Serra.

The first round was all Georges St. Pierre. Right off the bat he took Matt Serra down and from there the ground and pound onslaught started. Though the pounding started off slow, the intensity of it increased with time. At the tail end of the stanza, St. Pierre connected with a hard knee to Serra’s ribs. A dominant round for the Canadian.

The second round started with much of the same: Georges St. Pierre took his opponent down and began to dominate him. Later in the round, St. Pierre began raining knee after knee into Serra’s ribs as the man from Long Island stayed immobile on all fours. Finally, the referee had no choice but to step in.

Georges St. Pierre is now the undisputed UFC Welterweight Champion of the world.

In the end, UFC 83 was a really good watch for MMA fans. Georges St. Pierre once again showed that when focused, he’s the best welterweight fighter in the world. Rich Franklin put to rest all of those overrated chants. And Mac Danzig showed the world that he is truly a force to be reckoned with.

Cage Rage 26 Review

Cage Rage 26: “Extreme” came and went Saturday night from the NEC Arena in Birmingham, England, with Ian Freeman toppling Paul Calhoun via unanimous decision for the light heavyweight title in the main event of the evening.

Ross Pointon, also came away with a win thanks to a nifty fight-ending heel hook against Ross Mason. In addition, Paul “Semtex” Daley was in the house and revealed that he was not going to retire. In fact, he has a future opponent in mind.

Challenger Ian Freeman captured the Cage Rage light heavyweight belt by defeating Paul Cahoon with a unanimous decision. It was a back and forth battle, but Freeman inflicted more damage and scored more takedowns.

Matt Ewin vs. Mark Epstein for middleweight title

Ewin reclaimed his Cage Rage middleweight belt with a unanimous decision victory. Ewin had a slow start, getting taken down early and controlled for some of the first round, but battled back and dominated the later rounds with takedowns of his own and punishing strikes. It was a very decisive decision.

Ch’e Mills vs. Marios Zaromskis at welterweight

Mills was victorious with a first round doctor stoppage because of a cut Zamomskis sustained over his eye very early on in the fight. It was a good first round with a lot of action, both on the feet and on the mat. It’s too bad the fight had to be stopped — it could have possibly been the fight of the night.

Rodney Favorus vs. James Zikic at light heavyweight

Zikic wins via armbar in the third round. He maintained top position for most of the fight while on the mat and stayed away from Favorus’s power in the stand up game. Zikic looked much improved in his ground game and slipped in a very impressive armbar 25 seconds into the last round.

Ross Mason vs. Ross Pointon at welterweight

Pointon defeated Mason via submission (heel hook) first round. Pointon was actually quite impressive. His gameplan was to take Mason down and submit him and he executed to perfection with a heel hook 1 minute and 26 seconds into the first round.

Sunday 4 May 2008

Sooty The Cat - RIP

Sooty The Cat

Sooty has been our cat for around 15 years.

On Saturday evening she was cruelly run over and left to die on our quiet cul-de-sac road. Some sub-normal bastard is out there, well aware they did something but didn't have the guts to report it or tell anyone.

It took two strangers to knock on the door to tell us. We also soon realised we've got some really nice neighbours around here we didn't know.

Sooty was old but this was no way to go.

I hope the spineless prick that did it gets a heavy dose of karma sooner rather than later. God help them if I ever meet them the fucking gutless cunt.

Very sad, and very unfair.

RIP Sooty.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Villa Thrash Blues

Aston Villa 5 Small Heath Alliance 1

Everything about Sunday had been great, the whole day from start to finish. The match, the atmosphere, the drubbing the opposition got, the work that had been done to make the front of the Holte End look extra classy. Everything.

That was until I heard about the death of Christopher Priest, one of our own, killed in a road traffic accident not long after the match.

Brings it all into perspective as it could have been any one of us, dodging cars, running about in a rush to get home. Whatever rumours are being spread at the moment, this isn't the time or place - I hope the Police can do their job and bring the criminal to justice.

It's no consolation at all, but I hope it was over quick, and the last thoughts he ever had were of elation and joy as he saw his favourite team win with style. He'll have some great memories.

RIP Christopher Priest.

Sunday 13 April 2008

Derby 0 Aston Villa 6

Derby County 0 Aston Villa 6

Aston Villa's biggest away win since November 1971. Only 37 years ago.

It was just about the perfect day. On the pitch, though slightly alcohol-clouded, I honestly thought we were second best until we actually scored.

Scotty Carson was getting plenty of grief from their fans over to our right, though by the end of the match it was Roy Carroll who looked the fool along with all of his Derby collegues. Quite honestly, they're one of the worst sides I've ever seen. I hope the home fans gave the likes of Steven Gerrard, Frank Lampard and Wayne Bridge and equally hostile welcome - all far more responsible for England not being at Euro 2008.

That's taking nothing away from us, we did exactly what was needed and it was great to be witness to six different goalscorers including Stan Petrov belting one from 40 yards with his left foot!

He's fast as f*ck, he's fast as f*ck.

We looked quite clinical in front of goal, especially with the last two strikes from Gabby and Marlon. The latter of the two came over at the end of the game and left his shirt with a lucky fan at the front - he seems to be quite the favourite at the moment and very appreciative of it too.

Every player did a job. Laursen was excellent when needed, as was Freddie Bouma with a vital stop before we'd scored. I was really impressed with Nigel Reo-Coker who excelled in whatever he did and where ever he was being asked to play. Everything else ticked nicely.

Derby are a bit sad all round. I remember Dallas Cowboys fans being hammered on a local radio phone in for doing the Mexican wave in 2003. "Nobody does that anymore do they" was a continuous response. Then two years ago at the JJB, Wigan fans showed the sad trend was still alive - I thought I'd seen the last of it.

...Till yesterday. Derby County 2008 doing the Mexican wave. There is "Gallows humour" and there is sadness. You make your mind up which it is.

On the alcohol side of the day things went rather well. A few drinks on the train up and then we went to a "Harvester type place". It was totally packed and a much better option than the grim looking boozer opposite the Station. Everywhere around the ground is very new, and simlar to Bolton and Wigan - it was alright actually.

Anyway, several pints and Vodka's later we headed off with ten minutes to kick off. We did miss the first few minutes but hey ho.

A very, very good day out. Finding out that Fulham and Bolton had won was a bonus and leads is nicely into next week. Same result again please....

Thursday 10 April 2008

Birmingham Arrests

Birmingham City Council have issued a statement:-

"As Birmingham City FC have brought the good name of the City into disrepute we have requested that they henceforth revert to their previous name of Small Heath Alliance"

Alliance & Leicester Plc have objected on the grounds of their name being besmirched.The club has been asked to revert to their previous name of Small Heath Town FC

Councillor M. S. Jaspal(Heath Town, Wolverhampton) has objected on the grounds of the reputation of his ward being besmirched.

The club will were to be known as Small FC until KFC also objected on the grounds of their trading name being besmirched.

The club will henceforth be known as Small. Statement ends.

If former Villa left-back Bryan Small, or Mr Small (of Mr Men fame) were to also lodge complaints then Small Heath as they were known would be nameless.

A further statement followed from the club:-

Shares were suspended in Birmingham City Football Club this morning amid fears of financial meltdown at the West Midlands club.

Birmingham have confirmed that, following the flop of the Rabbbitron Master Stroke 450i, they are unable to meet the players wages and an emergency board meeting has been scheduled in HMP Winson Green for later this afternoon.

A club insider said: "We all knew it was a shit product and to tie the future financial success of the club to it was dangerous. Hopefully Mr Egg Foo Yung will step in and save us".

Birmingham have yet to officially confirm the story although rumours abound that this is beacuse they are still trying to find a club representative with the power of speech. Statement ends.

Another statement was soon released by the West Midlands Police Press Assc:-

Police have been left in a state of dildo confusion after arresting Birmingham City Football Club co-owner David Sullivan and the club's minging director Karen Brady.

The pair have been questioned by City of London Police on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud and false accounting.

Sullivan, who has amassed a fortune worth a reported six hundred million pounds, mainly from the largest chain of sex shops in the UK, is alleged to have brandished a dildo at officers who turned up to question him.

Sixteen dildo's were removed from his pockets before entering the police station.

Fearing similar behavior from Brady, who had apparently 'just got out of bed' and turned up for questioning in 'a foul mood' cops decided to body check the managing director for similar weaponary.

Although only two love eggs and a banana were found inside her jacket pocket, shocked cops managed to slide from her grizzly poontang what appeared to be a similar dildo to the one Mr. Sullivan had earlier brandished.

"You don't wanna be hit on the head with one of those things" said PC Richards, "I've seen a grown man knocked off his feet from the swing of a dildo".

To the cops surprise, the dildo began talking.

"We were shocked. You see alot in this job, but being spoken to by a slimy dildo was a first".

Taped to a chair in the questioning room, the dildo introduced himself as Derby County striker Paul Peschidildo, the husband of Karen Brady.

Investigations into the business dealings of Brady and Sullivan continue. The dildo was released without charge. Statement Ends

If this whole case goes to court, will Liam Ridgewell be acting for the defence? Bless em. I can happily say that I can't wait for April 20th now!

Saturday 5 April 2008

Drumming Danny

Heading For Pride Park - Derby Away

The Bolton win was so important.

We have to finish in a position where we can get those two Intertoto games because European football is a must for next season.

After many, many years of never missing games I'm almost embarrassed to say that Derby away next week will only be my second game of the season. I'm looking forward to it, I need a break away if only for a few hours to enjoy Hatemanu's alcoholic company for the day!

I'm going to miss kick-boxing though. I've really enjoyed my time there and the last few lessons all round have been excellent. AFCMPT is a fantastic club, with instuctors who I respect massively and brilliant students with great ability that I'd love to have myself.

So between 11am-2pm I'll be getting bladdered instead of getting fit - but it's only for one week - I promise Sir!!

Daniel's Drums

Well, Daniel is not far away from being three now and it's been a little while since I documented his progress.

His learning skills have come on leaps and bounds, especially with letters and numbers and his memory seems like a sponge with little details being remembered all the time.

He can tell us when to stop and go at the traffic lights now too!

Still loves his music - his CD has been updated to include "The Wombats - Let's Dance To Joy Division" and "EMF - Children" both of which he likes on again and again. He sings along to the "So Happy" line from The Wombats and also mimmicks the Police siren on the EMF track.

He seems to enjoy everything on CBeebies at the moment. Lazy Town, Get Sqiggling, Space Pirates, Lunar Jim - he'd watch it all day if he was allowed!! His favourite film is "Monsters Inc" which again, he'd watch every day if he could!

He makes us laugh so much at times. Yesterday when I saw Cheltenham had taken the lead against Northampton I said "Yes, come on Cheltenham" - to which he replied "No Daddy - Come On Villa" - he's been tought too well.

Then later when Villa conceded the second at Old Trafford I mumbled a rather depressed sentence to which he put his arm on my shoulder and said "Oh Daddy what's the matter" - I said Villa were losing and he replied "Oh no, what we gonna do?" Martin O'Neill was probably thinking the same thing at the time!

So now his third birthday approaches.....


Kickboxing Grading

Yesterday was actually an assessment wrapped within a grading.

Five of us stayed on the floor for around two and a half hours which involved three seperate standard gradings for all the other different coloured belts.

It was hard going (always is for me!) but still enjoyable all the same. The grading was taken by Mr Andrew Champion who I know very well from Taekwondo and who I respect hugely, like all the other instructors. He's great, especially with the little ones with the skill to make them feel at ease but still get the discipline and etiquette into them at the same time.

I think I did OK, probably only struggling with one combination which invloved spinning twice - after five of those the room had gone quite a pretty colour I can tell you! My left elbow and left foot were giving me a bit of grief (paralysed down my left hand side!!) but I wasn't making any excuses at all and could worry about a bit of pain after it was all finished.

Daniel actually tried on my head guard yesterday and then wouldn't give it me back! I can't wait till Mr Paradine and Mr Carter are teaching him and giving him the grounding I never had an opportunity to have at his age.

Friday 21 March 2008

CT's Desert Island Videos!

Here's Just A Selection Of My Favourite Tracks Of All Time

Streetlight Manifesto - We Will Fall Together

Big Country - Ships

Mad Caddies - Leavin'

Levellers - One Way

The Specials - Ghost Town

Stone Sour - Bother

The Bluetones - Head On A Spike

The Jam - A Town Called Malice

Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence

Goo Goo Dolls - Sympathy

Big D & The Kids Table - Shining On

Inspiral Carpets - This Is How It Feels

Oasis - Whatever

Def Leppard - Love Bites

Morrissey - I Have Forgiven Jesus

New Radicals - You Get What You Give

Avenged Sevenfold - Bat Country

Del Amitri - Nothing Ever Happens

Buckcherry - Crazy Bitch

Foo Fighters - Everlong

Big Country - Wonderland

Levellers - The Boatman (Live)

Staind - Epiphany

Madness - Baggy Trousers

Iron Maiden - The Trooper

Kirsty McColl (Billy Bragg Cover) - A New England

W.A.SP - Wild Child

Machine Head - Aesthetics Of Hate

Adam & The Ants - Stand & Deliver

Sunday 2 March 2008

Villa Fans Eduardo chants / arrests at Emirates

It's Caused Some Lively Debate.....

Me and a mate were having a discussion about this yesterday. Villa supporters were chanting about Eduardo having a simliar walk to Heather Mills and the Arsenal fans close to our section reacted big time.

One Villa supporter who more than lilely wasn't even involved, ended up in hospital after being thrown down some stairs. When Curtis Davies ended up being stretchered off many Arsenal fans cheered - two wrongs making a right then?

There were Villa fans away at Wigan the season before last singing about Karen Brady having a tumour - Villa fans or not, they made me sick and I'd have happily gone over and taken on every one of them because they crossed a line which had nothing to do with football anyway. That wasn't a "football related injury" - that was a life threatening illness to a woman they decided to mock because of where she works.

The injury to the Arsenal lad was not nice at all but is unfortunately part of the game. The Spurs fans were already making up songs at Wembley just hours after it happened. The difference to me is that the player will be well looked after for the next 6/9 months, his life isn't at risk and he'll be back and scoring goals again before we know it. He hasn't got to worry about his job or where his next pay-packet comes from.

So yeah, the songs may be in very poor taste but it ain't the end of the world. Remember, 15 years ago this probably wouldn't have come up for discussion.

Times have changed and along with Sky - football supporters have changed too. Currently there is a mix of everyone, families, lads, women, singers, non-singers, those that want to stand etc. The song is bound to offend - some, like me will agree it's tastless but it's banter - the same banter that's gone on for the last 25 years I've been going to games.

...and while I'm at it, where was the wall-to-wall media coverage for Mark Delaney after Carlos Bocanegra's horror-tackle at Fulham a few years back? No great outcry for Bocanegra to be banned for life despite the fact his "challenge" was ten times worse than that of Martin Taylor's. Taylor can honestly hold his hand up and say it was an accident - Bocanegra can't.

Anyway, supporters always feed on someone else's problems - that goalie for Oxford United will never forget 90 minutes of torture at The Manor Ground when we beat them in the League Cup, and he'll never get over his baldness either!

Sunday 24 February 2008

Reading 1 Aston Villa 2

Reading 1 Aston Villa 2

A world apart form the abject performance at Fulham - we really deserved this win.

In fact it was a decent all round game. Ashley Young's goal right on half time was so important as it was looking as if we we're going in level having squandered numerous chances including Birthday Boy's horrendous penalty miss. Everyone was playing their part including Martin Laursen with another class display at the back.

Big Marlon again came on and made an impact yet again with his strength and aggression. His goal was an absolute beauty - very similar to Thierry Henry's against Celtic except you'll see Henry's goal another 100 times on Sky whilst Harewood's will be forgotten by Monday.

Two footnotes to this game:

James Harper. You're a nobody. When you come up against a somebody - show some f*cking respect. A Jab in someone's back followed by mouthing off as you walk away repesents being a complete coward.

Stephen Hunt. You're a cheat. I hope one day you'll look back at the TV of this game and realise what an idiot you made of yourself. Blatant cheat - nothing more, nothing less.

Anyway, I don't care - we're still in there. Passport renewal forms at the ready!