The Bolton win was so important.
We have to finish in a position where we can get those two Intertoto games because European football is a must for next season.
After many, many years of never missing games I'm almost embarrassed to say that Derby away next week will only be my second game of the season. I'm looking forward to it, I need a break away if only for a few hours to enjoy Hatemanu's alcoholic company for the day!
I'm going to miss kick-boxing though. I've really enjoyed my time there and the last few lessons all round have been excellent. AFCMPT is a fantastic club, with instuctors who I respect massively and brilliant students with great ability that I'd love to have myself.
So between 11am-2pm I'll be getting bladdered instead of getting fit - but it's only for one week - I promise Sir!!
Daniel's Drums
Well, Daniel is not far away from being three now and it's been a little while since I documented his progress.
His learning skills have come on leaps and bounds, especially with letters and numbers and his memory seems like a sponge with little details being remembered all the time.
He can tell us when to stop and go at the traffic lights now too!
Still loves his music - his CD has been updated to include "The Wombats - Let's Dance To Joy Division" and "EMF - Children" both of which he likes on again and again. He sings along to the "So Happy" line from The Wombats and also mimmicks the Police siren on the EMF track.
He seems to enjoy everything on CBeebies at the moment. Lazy Town, Get Sqiggling, Space Pirates, Lunar Jim - he'd watch it all day if he was allowed!! His favourite film is "Monsters Inc" which again, he'd watch every day if he could!
He makes us laugh so much at times. Yesterday when I saw Cheltenham had taken the lead against Northampton I said "Yes, come on Cheltenham" - to which he replied "No Daddy - Come On Villa" - he's been tought too well.
Then later when Villa conceded the second at Old Trafford I mumbled a rather depressed sentence to which he put his arm on my shoulder and said "Oh Daddy what's the matter" - I said Villa were losing and he replied "Oh no, what we gonna do?" Martin O'Neill was probably thinking the same thing at the time!
So now his third birthday approaches.....
Kickboxing Grading
Yesterday was actually an assessment wrapped within a grading.
Five of us stayed on the floor for around two and a half hours which involved three seperate standard gradings for all the other different coloured belts.
It was hard going (always is for me!) but still enjoyable all the same. The grading was taken by Mr Andrew Champion who I know very well from Taekwondo and who I respect hugely, like all the other instructors. He's great, especially with the little ones with the skill to make them feel at ease but still get the discipline and etiquette into them at the same time.
I think I did OK, probably only struggling with one combination which invloved spinning twice - after five of those the room had gone quite a pretty colour I can tell you! My left elbow and left foot were giving me a bit of grief (paralysed down my left hand side!!) but I wasn't making any excuses at all and could worry about a bit of pain after it was all finished.
Daniel actually tried on my head guard yesterday and then wouldn't give it me back! I can't wait till Mr Paradine and Mr Carter are teaching him and giving him the grounding I never had an opportunity to have at his age.
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