Sunday 19 July 2009


I'm A Jinx! Maybe I Shouldn't Do Weston Again!

We had three fighters at Weston on Saturday night.

Nick won his first kick-boxing bout against a local Weston Warriors fighter who took time out in the first round to salute them before getting knocked flat on his arse! Like Nick, Shane also won a unanimous decision a reclaimed his belt with a great display.

The night was left incomplete for us though as Gemma beat Kate after a five-round battle. There seemed to be little of Gemma who at first glance looked like she'd blow away in a gust of wind - looks proved totally wrong - she could box with the best and matched Kate all the way for fight and heart.

It was just like last time when I was there - Kate had all the vocal support and the other girl had nothing. Everything was eerily similar - maybe I'll give the next one a miss so Kate can get that belt back!

Kate probably heard "you did us proud" enough to be sick, but she did and we were just gutted about the result. There's nothing you can say to console after that - maybe we should just be quiet!!

Another huge disappointment for me was that Mark Weir should have been fighting but ended up not being able to find an opponent to step in with him. Never mind, maybe next time....

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