Sunday 13 January 2008

New Taekwondo Tattoo


Happy Birthday Hatemanu

The young man was 22 on January 10th. (Wish I was 22 again!)

Like most of us he's not been very well recently, everyone seems to have a virus or infection of some description.

Anyway, despite a very, very busy time for me over the last week apologies for missing the day - glad you had a good one and we'll make it up with a few drinkies very soon. At least I'm not like the Old Spanner who forgets completely!

The Floods

It was like deja-vu on Friday.

Sat at work, the rain pouring all day - the drivers starting to tell us how bad it was getting. Going out at lunch and seeing it for myself - then the customers updating us during the afternoon as to where was flooding and what roads had been closed.

Checking on the internet and seeing places just 10 miles away covered in a foot of snow. It was getting very worrying. Around 4pm it really started to batter it down and we feared the worst.

I didn't leave until 5.45pm and was dreading it - fortunately although the weather was terrible I was home in 15 minutes!

Villa 3 Reading 1

More more interesting than playing the "oh so mighty" Reds every year in the FA Cup.

This was a good win, allowing for the fact Reading are struggling defensively. A really positive three points and 2 more goals for Big John Carew as well. If we can keep hanging around that top seven we're not going to be far away from the UEFA Cup spots when it counts at the end.

I'm still concerned by the Mellberg & Laursen situation. It would appear Olly may well be off to Juventus - if he is then good luck to him, I wish him nothing but the best as he's been an excellent servant to this club and we've seen his best years without a doubt. A shame he's going to go just as things really look bright.

I'd certainly offer Laursen something - he needs to remeber he's been well paid for 2 seasons of doing nothing while injured and should respect that. I've always thought he was a class act at centre half and he's proving that fully this season - plus these goals from set plays are invaluable.

We can't afford to lose both. The idea of Zat Knight and Curtis Davies really doesn't appeal to me.


What a fantastic word. In my ignorance I'd never come across it before but thanks to Mr Blog-Editor himself I'm now more educated in the world!

"A feeling of utter weariness and discontent resulting from satiety or lack of interest; boredom: The endless lecture produced an unbearable ennui".

Three Korean Symbols

Had my second tattoo today. Three small Korean symbols which make up the word "Taekwondo" on my right shoulder blade.

Definitely more painful than the one I had on my arm although the symbols were slightly thicker and needed some shading, thus more pain! It probably only took about half an hour and once again Stu did a great job. We nattered along through most of it along with the lady tattooist across from me who was extremely friendly - it made the whole thing much easier!

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