Sunday 28 February 2010

Villa Lose The Final

Things That Make You F*cking Angry About Losing A Final

Empty seats in the "Freeloading" sections of Wembley. I've been to the arse-end of Europe supporting Aston Villa but because I don't have a Season Ticket now I have zero chance of getting to a game like this. Yet empty red seats adorned a Final I'd have loved to have been at.

Not only were there seats empty for the entire game, but hundreds were empty for up to 10 minutes of the second half as people meandered back to a game that clearly meant very little to them. I know of a Spurs fan who went along as his company gave him "a jolly up".

The FA make me fucking sick - and they've been doing it for as long as I've been going. Nearly 30,000 seats in that Stadium belonged to people that didn't deserve them - there should be a equal split of the full stadium for the teams - but of course, that will never happen.

Then you have a "bottle-job" like Phil Dowd - as baltant a sending off as you can get, but because it's Man Utd and because it's only a few minutes in he doesn't even book him! Wanker.

I think we've played alright today and gave a good account of ourselves. Maybe the service could have been better (esp from Cuellar) but it was certainly better than the pitiful effort 10 years ago at Wembley that's for sure. I stopped watching as soon as the whistle went so I haven't heard what's been said afterwards.

I still think Utd are a one-man team up front - without Rooney they have very little, although if we were without Gabby we'd be well and truly fucked too!

Up The Villa.

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