Thursday 28 January 2010

Ticket For Wembley?

Which Brad To Use For The Job

Now we're going to Wembley, M.O.N has to make a brave choice regarding the goalkeepers.

For me he has to play his strongest team in the final, and that means Brad Friedel must play in goal. Brad Guzan has been great on the way but was found out by Blackburn in the Semi Finals and Manchester United won't be offering him any charity come Feb 28.

Oh well, looks like the chances of a ticket for the final at Wembley are slim to none. I applaud the way Villa distribute the tickets (as they always have done)- they do it perfectly in my opinion. I just wish in some perfect world there was a way of rewarding 15 years of having a season-ticket, years of never missing a game and going all over Europe.

Unfortunately, after a few years of not having a ST, there isn't. Sigh.

Just aside from that, isn't Arsene Wenger a complete fucking prick? Whenever they lose or draw to throws a hissy fit, either not shaking hands or moaning that something wasn't fair.

Now after his side drew at Villa Park we're a "long ball team". Martin was dead right about that being an appalling insult. I'll just add that he's a f*cking idiot.


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