Sunday 26 October 2008

Missing Ajax

Last Minute Substitution

You don't play Ajax at home very often.

I'd been looking forward to it for ages, seeing such a famous European name on a big floodlit night at Villa Park. It wasn't to be though.

On Wednesday night within an hour of being perfectly OK, I was struck by a virus and ended up being sick nearly twenty times during the night. With absolutely no sleep at all I attempted to go to work the next day, hoping it would be a better soloution to making the match later.

I knew by lunchtime it wouldn't happen and got sent home anyway early afternoon. Fortunately between them, my two top buddies, Hatemanu & Spanner managed to sell my ticket so at least avoiding paying £25 and not seeing the match.

I got home around 3 O'clock, slept for a bit and watched Spurs. The next thing I know it's 11.30pm and I've missed the lot. I actually saw the result on teletext - I knew we'd win. Luckily I'd Sky+d the game as I'd anticipated being there so I still got to see it the next day, but obviously it wasn't the same. I hope the lad who got my ticket appreciates how lucky he was.

A fantastic night and win for Aston Villa - just totally gutted I wasn't there.

Thursday 16 October 2008

First Training

Daniel's First Training Session!

Last week I noticed a few very young children with Kate (one of the GMA Kick-boxing black belts) being trained in a fun and very introductory way. Mr Carter also looked after them for a while too with a bit of "Mit work"!

I was really keen to give Daniel a go yesterday just to see how he reacted - although I was training myself at the time he looked like he was doing really well. He lasted the whole hour, doing all sorts of little exercises and was rewarded at the end with 2 stickers which said "Focus" and "Control".

He'd been excited about it all week since I mentioned the possibility of it and it went really well. He even ran over to me while I was supervising some of the youngsters sparring as he was so excited!

Now he wants to do it again which I'm really chuffed about!