Thursday 20 December 2007

Septoplasty Recovery

A Damaged Nasal Septum!


I've had to learn a fair bit about this over the last four months.

For those who may be unaware, the nasal septum is a thin piece of cartilage that separates each side of the nose internally. Normally it is straight, but it can be deviated naturally during growth or it may become damaged by an injury to the nose.

Well, four months ago yesterday I got (ahem) a slight whack to the nose during training. Initially it bled like a tap and didn't properly stop until six hours later. After a two hour visit to A&E and covered in my own blood, I was told I was "very lucky" it wasn't broken but there was some cartliage damage.

Anyway, after a Doctor's visit I was told I had a "hairline fracture" (Damaged Septum) and then had to see the ENT specialist at Cheltenham General and that corrective surgery would be required which will mean a stop-over in hospital.

It's not been the most comfortable few months to put it mildly so although it will initially mean some pain, I'll be happy to be able to breathe normally again sometime soon after the op. The op is called Septoplasty where the septum is straightened and also my turbinates will be trimmed.

I won't be able to do any contact sport for quite some time until everything has healed properly. Certainly for 2 weeks I have to take it as easy as possible, no lifting, excercises or being in smokey atmospheres or crowds.

I have read many articles from different people's experiences after the operation and I will be adding mine day by day here in the hope they will help others. Not all Septoplasty operations are the same and recovery times can vary quite a lot - this was just be my own personal account.

December 13 - Operation Day:

Had the operation around 10.30am in the morning and came round about 1.30ish not feeling too bad - a shot of morphene may have helped there though!

Back to the ward around 2pm with full nose packing in place although this wasn't nearly as uncomfortable as I thought it might be. Just a few hours later though, and much earlier than I'd expected - the packing was taken out.

This was by far the worst part. It seemed like two great canisters were being extracted from the nose and the blood didn't half pour out. The nurse pinched the nose for what seemed like an eternity and then I got very faint. Just a minute later for the first time in my life I was on the oxygen machine and stayed on it for 30 minutes.

The nose oozes blood for the rest of the day (which is normal) and it's not wise to move too much. It's hard to sleep at night - there wasn't too much in the way of pain (I suppose the pain killers did the job) but it was extremely uncomfortable.

Despite needing to go for a "No.1" it was very difficult. You can't strain because of the nose but nothing happens if you don't!

Shared my ward with 3 other guys who made the most horrendous noises - it was quite torturous. The guy opposite though was very friendly and had a similar operation to me.

December 14 - Operation Day +1:

Managed my first food for 36 hours in the shape of one piece of toast. Had my first actual look at the nose which is obviously swelled and quite bloody. The registrar came round and explained everything had gone to plan and that I would need some saline nasal drops to use straight away - the NHS didn't provide them though - Mrs CT had to get them from Boots!

Left hospital in the morning after being told I wouldn't even need a follow up appointment - I assume that was positive! Just told to take normal pain-killers and have to mandatory 14 days rest.

It's difficult to speak above a whisper - it feels very uncomfortable like the most massive head cold you could imagine. Spent most of the day in bed, nose continues to ooze - feels weird when you have a drink as it seems to enlarge and go pop inside (tried with a Lucozade and couldn't finish the bottle). Did manage a few hours sleep but still completely blocked up.

December 15 - Operation Day +2:

Got my first few tiny amounts of air through the right nostril today. Didn't last long but it's a start. Hopefully the Saline spray is starting to help a bit as it still feels very tight and crusty. Still got the blood ooze - actually feels like the nose isn't there sometimes as it's swollen and still a little numb. There is also a very small numb part just behind my two front teeth on the gums.

For the first time the nose stings a touch and my teeth have hurt a few times too.

December 16 - Operation Day +3:

Managed some reasonable sleep last night which surprises me considering I'm still breathing through the mouth. Unfortunately the blood ooze is still there but with a combination of tablets and saline spray there is a small improvement in breathing through the right nostril. Nothing at all apart from some tiny airwaves yesterday for the left hand side.

I'm quite alert and OK although if i stand or sit up for any more than 20 minutes I find I need to lie down again. Some small improvement in the left nostril but not that much. Occasionally get a stinging pain - nasty little dried blood spot on the outside of the nose which can't really be touched - no picking or blowing the nose for at least a week!

Went for a slow walk around the block today. Just to get a small sense of normality back. Progress is slow but just at the moment it's better than I'd hoped.

December 17 - Operation Day +4:

Had another walk today - got some very small blasts of cold air in the right nostril but not much. Still very caked up with blood and goo, would love to blow the bloody thing but know I can't - the blood ooze is still going but seems a little less of the red stuff at the moment which is good because I can't have that much left to lose!

Had small airflow at the same time which is encouraging, not oo much but still some all the same. I feel the spray is helping and I'm also taking Lemsip tablets too. The nose still stings occasionally but generally there is little pain. 99% of breathing is still through the mouth - I'm sort of getting used to it now - half the battle with this is staying relaxed and patient (two things I'm probably not best at) so I'm doing my best.

I think recovery is going OK (says quietly) but it's slow.

December 18 - Operation Day +5:

An early morning walk today after not such a good night. Very stuffed up this morning but slight improvement near lunchtime. The urge to blow your nose is unbearable but I said I would heed the Medical staff's advice and not do it for at least a week.

Just by blowing there was a lot of bloody mucous and I've got rid of a bit (yes it's gross, but it's factual!) and breathing has improved through both nostrils - not great but better.

On the negative side I've definitely had a slight loss of taste. I can't taste things to a point so I know what it is but everything tastes a bit sour and not quite right at the moment which I believe is pretty normal.

Smell seems OK, I actually managed to smell my little boy's dirty nappy which was interesting!

December 19 - Operation Day +6:

Tried a few things today. Popped a towel over my head and tried to sniff up some steam with some Vic's Vapour-Rub which helped and later on just some steam - certainly seems to de-crust just a touch. Had managed a few hours sleep overnight, probably about 3 - but I'm used to that anyway!

The loss of taste was a worry but that has gradually come back this afternoon, not completely but it's better which is a relief. Still using the saline spray which I hope is helping although the nose is still very crusty - the blood ooze appears to have stopped today too - for the first time I haven't got through endless numbers of tissues!

Had another walk but seem exhausted afterwards - slept for 2 hours after a 30 minute walk this afternoon. Got a couple of banging headaches which I took standard pain-killers for, in general though a productive day - I hope it continues.

The breathing through the nose ebbs and flows. Sometimes on side is OK but it's still generally plugged and most breathing is through the mouth.

December 20 - Operation Day +7:

Wow, one week seems to have gone pretty quickly.

Signs of improvement today after a very bunged up start. Had another steam session for 10 minutes which really loosens up all the crusty stuff inside and I managed to very carefully pick out a couple of nasty ones in the right nostril which when dry were hurting quite a lot.

Picking when dry was not an option but it seems to have improved since I "picked when wet". A few times have has breathing through both nostrils but mainly still through the right. Headaches are still a problem but that's what the pain-killers are there for.

The sense of taste is continuing to come back slowly - a ham sandwich today which actually tasted a bit of ham! It's not totally back but it's better than a couple of days ago when I was concerned and my appetite is definitely back.

After one week the signs of improvement are good - lets hope it continues.

December 21 - Operation Day +8:

Had a walk in town today and had a first go at blowing the nose, albeit pretty tamely. It certainly doesn't feel so crusty and tight and I'm definitely getting better airflow through the nose although it's still on and off.

The nose still runs occasionally and feels very numb, just like it did the day after it got the initial whack. At night the airflow is only through the right while the left is plugged up so I still end up breathing through my mouth while asleep.

Appetite has definitely come back - ate 15 chocolate biscuits in the day!! It's taking time but I'd like to think it's all heading in the right direction.

December 22 - Operation Day +9:

Headaches were order of the day today. With the left nostril still blocked I've had a couple of real belting ones - it's strange that when I walk about in the fresh air that the left clears a bit and things improve.

Still can't really blow my nose. I've likened it to driving a Rolls Royce but having the engine of a Nissan Micra 1.0 - there's no bloody power! Most of the crusty bits have gone but not completely. Still sounds like I have a heavy head cold at the moment.

Speaking to someone who had the operation earlier this year, they said it was approximately a month before normal breathing returned. I'm certainly finding at the moment that only one nostril works at and that sometimes switches - similar to before the operation.

December 25 - Operation Day +12:

One of my first real targets, getting to Christmas Day and being able to enjoy it with my family. Most of the time the airflow is through the right (managed to sleep for the first time doing this too) and occasionally swops out to the left.

Definitely improves when outside and on the move. Quite a few headaches since but in the main after 12 days it had improved enough that I didn't notice it too much during the day - plus I could taste the food too which was a bonus.

It still feels very numb but the improvement is still there, albeit a touch slow at the moment. Still can't properly blow the nose but the crusty bits are starting to go with a bit of "persuasive picking"!

December 27 - Operation Day +14:

OK, so it's two weeks now since the operation. Breathing is much improved, still mainly on the right but the left is joining in gradually especially after I try to blow my nose. I say try because it's still very hard to do - let's say I've improved from the Nissan Micra to a Ford Focus but it's still not enough!

My sense of taste appears to be pretty much back intact and the numb part behind my teeth has virtually gone apart from just a very small area.

The nose is still pretty crusty and I found it hurting this morning as I never used the Saline spray yesterday. It's still tender to touch and still feels very numb but it's getting there slowly.

Will update this diary again in a few days.

December 31 - Operation Day +18:

So where are we now? Well the breathing is still improving if not quite there just yet. Tends to be quite blocked at night, still better when up and about, more so in the fresh air.

Crusty bits are all but gone although right hand side still isn't clear yet. The nose still feels numb and is difficult to move by itself although there is some more power when blowing it now - I'm probably up to a Ford Mondeo now!

I'm still using the Saline spray but not too much now if I can help it. Basically it's still getting better every day but at it's own pace - patience is certainly a virtue with a Septoplasty operation and generally I don't have very much but with this somehow I have.

I've played everything by the book - didn't blow nose until day 9, didn't excercise until day 18 and stayed away from smoky atmosphere's.

Happy New Year!

January 13 - Operation Day +31:

So one calender month on - doesn't time fly?

I would say things are 90% there now - my sleep has improved no end, getting between 6 and 7 hours easy although last couple of nights have seen the nose a bit blocked - had a dream it was sealed up!

The airflow is pretty good with the right hand side being 100% and left about 75% but it's much better. I can blow my nose pretty well now and there are no crusty bits anywhere. It still feels slightly numb but that is getting better albeit slowly.

There is still improvement to be made but I can safely say that one month on things are so much better and I would recommend this operation to anyone who suffers with septum problems.

January 28 - Operation Day +46:

Been blocked up at night recently, especially the left side although it will change as it did before the operation. Had a very slight cold which wouldn't have helped but it always seems to improve as soon as I'm stood up.

In general things are good, I can excercise, swim etc with no problems and my sleep times are much much better. The nose feels like it's coming out of it's numb stage which makes it itchy with the urge to move it all the time.

I would say even now that there is still room for improvement but I reckon I'm 90% there.

February 28 - Operation Day +77:

A visit to a local ENT Doctor today to check all is well.

I've been experiencing airflow through one side and then changing - especially at night although during the day things are generally (but not always) OK. This would appear normal as the airflow should change around every twenty minutes as otherwise the inside would become too dry.

Doc said it was still actually "early days" and that I should keep using nasal spray to keep the inside moist - he also mentioned that it's still inflamed but that this was common.

It probably didn't help that I've got a stinking cold at the moment. Anyway, Doc seemed to be happy and said unless I was worried about anything there would be no need to see him again - so fingers crossed.

June 13th - Operation Day + 6 Months:

Six months. I can't believe that.

Overall the nose is fine - I'd say it's 90% fine as the left nostril still blocks now and again, plus I spoke to someone who had the op 2 years ago and said it would take longer to get "complete breathing". I've found the use of the nasal strips Robbie Fowler used to wear extremely helpful, especially overnight.

What else can I say apart from it's so much better than it was and overall was worth the early discomfort of the operation.

December 13th - Operation Day + 1 Year:

One year! Wow.

Well, it's certainly no fun when you have a cold. In the main I tend to find that one nostril will block up when I'm in bed but will clear as soon as I'm up and about.

If I lie on my left side my right nostril will stay clear and vice versa, though I find the left one not as good.

Generally though, when I'm not full up with cold, it's so much better and breathing is absolutely fine.

1 comment:

Lindemans said...

Thank you so much for this! I am 9 days post-op and have been having headaches and feel like I was punched in the nose all over again. I was searching the web to see if this is normal and I found your blog. Thanks so much for keeping the journal! It's been super helpful!